
I bought this vest the other day with a friend. I went absolutely insane when I first saw it, but my friend basically thought I was crazy.

Me: It has three elephants on it! See! Two on the front, one on the back! Elephants are goodluck! This vest is goodluck!

Friend: Yuh-huh....

Me: Look at the sequins!


Me: The embroidery! Look at the detailing!

Friend: I dont know you.

P.s. Thank you all for your kind words yesterday. I was a little angry that I apparently didnt have the qualifications or whatever to quote Shakespeare. Anyone can quote Sheakespeare, anytime.

Wearing a vintage elephant (lucky!) vest, vintage levis cutoff shorts, gap pocket tee, david aaron boots, and black wool floppy hat.

Ehem, flower porn everybody. Its the new black.


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