This is How We Do It The Jewish Way

So it was basically holiday week for a bunch of religions. There was Passover, then Good Friday. You know, holidays! So, being sorta-kinda (not really, my-dad is -but- my mom-'aint so-not-technically) jewish I went to a little get together with a few relatives and we had the whole plate with the different food varieties placed here and where they were supposed to. But what we also had was macaroons. I know, Oh my god! Right? Well I basically jumped at the chance to eat real live macaroons, you know, the little pink ones or the green ones that look suspiciously like colored Crabby Patties (pretty patties) in that one episode of spongebob, (you all know what Im talkin 'bout, right?) However, little did I know that, no, oh no, was that the kind I was going to eat.

Instead, I got the totally awesome, not as pink (or green or yellow or blue), completely delicious, blessed-by-a-Rabbi macaroons. These were tan and swirled upwards in a little cookie formation with gooey-ness on the insides. Soooo good. I completely recommend eating one or two or three.

Pictured above is a macaroon on my new Steve Madden black wedges, the twins to these.

(Photo cred, dearest father.)

P.s. If I offended any religion at all in this post, Im really sorry. I didnt mean to be offensive I just have an absolute lack of knowledge as far as religions go. Thanks.


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