Tree Gemstone

I was reading a book the other day, when they discribed the prince (yes, the books I read involve princes) that has his neck dripping in amber. I said to myself "I want to be dripping in amber!", of course thinking that this would never happen. But somehow I was strolling by my aunt's jewelery table and what do I find? A necklace made of amber! I knew it had to be.

Of course being a completely believer in the power of crystals/gemstones and how they have the mystical qualities of being able to draw you to them when you are most in need, I put it on right away and felt like the amber had called me. Here is what my crystals book says about amber:
"In Ancient Greek times, it was considered to be the juice or essence of the setting sun, charged with solar energy and sacred to Helios, the god who was said to drive the sun across the sky in his chariot. In healing, the golden-yellow color of amber is warming and cheering to the spirits, bringing a sense of renewal and recharged energy levels."


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