
(Vivienne Tam flapper dress, AA unitard, black tank top dress, misc. heart jewelery)

Happy Valentines Day everyone! For those of you with beaus I hope he has taken you on the most romantic date possible, and for those of you without one grab a tub of the best Ben and Jerry's you can find. Me? Im going the tootsie roll route. Ive been eating too much ice cream lately. Hopefully my mother and I will see a movie today as well.

The lovely thing I wanted to show you was this Vivienne Tam pink beaded flapper dress. I received it for Christmas from my aunt and had yet to wear it or take pictures of it. Here it is! It screams romance.

The balloon in the first picture was a little happy gift from my mother the other day, it is in the shape of a rose. We put it aside while we were taking pictures and then when we were done we went to get it and it was gone! It escaped, running for its life. So, if you see a rose balloon in the sky its probably mine. Sad thing is, we didnt get to watch it fly away, and balloons are so pretty when they move in the air.


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