
Its kinda odd, but doesnt it just seem completely weird to title a post "Outfit".. ? Its just so "duh" that it kinda makes me want to backspace and create some sort of cheesy one liner that would repel more readers than the even lameness of the current one could. However, I will exercise great self-control and keep myself from moving the mouse over to the title bar and deleting it. Good, Stylish Wanderer.
Readers: How was your thanksgiving?
Me: Good. I filled half of my day with peeling apples in an apple peeler that was quite epic, cut myself in the process, and my uncles dog went missing, which was then found and then taken to the emergency room, to find out she was acting all weird with tremors because she ate some grapes may or may not be okay. I played Phase 10 [really epic card game] almost the entire night with some adults, excusing myself from the only company in the party that was close to my age. I stuffed myself and had a stomach ache. Also, Im not fond of turkey. Overall, it was good.
Readers: umm...
Me: Oh, Im sorry, how was yours?

Wanna hear something strange?? Karla wore these lace high waisted pants for her holiday, and I have a pair that I was 99.9% going to wear and then didnt, and Tavi wore her new Docs for the holidays and guess what I wore? Yeah. You see the pictures. The world is filled with ifs, and whens, and dos, and donts, and shouldves, and haves, and dids. Sigh.
I promise, though, to wear those pants quite soon, cause as you can imagine they are bomb, although I cant imagine youll come back, after Ive just slammed you with 123123123 pictures of my apple escapades.

sweater- present
shorts- uo
tights- target
boots- doc marten
socks- h&m


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