Denim Details and Marc Jacobs

EDIT: So, yeah, stupid photobucket made everything nuts with my pictures and what not. Bear with me, the older posts and photos will be back on the 7th. However, because Im super duper sneaky like that, I have another account, and posts will resume as normal, but if youre looking to go back into the archives id hold off for about 9 days. Sounds like a long time? Yeah I know, but Im not gonna give the photobucket people my money for being lame. For now, I will have only 2 posts on the main page, just cause I think the "BANDWITH EXCEEDED" banner is kinda glaring and just annoying. Thanks for understanding.
These capris have a lovely little detail on the back of them. They have 3 buttons on the bottom of the pant and I just love them. Gosh. I have nothing to say. Oh, well yes, I do. I hope the people in Mumbai, India dont suffer any more and things get better. It is just awful whats going on.
In other news, I got a really epic tripod that apparently was just downstairs without me knowing it and I couldve had better pictures this whole blog time. Psh.

denim- chip and pepper
striped shirt- moms
navy shirt- moms
shoes-marc by marc jacobs



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