I Can Kick You If I Want, But My Boots Are Better Than You, So I Wont

For my birthday last May I asked for Doc Martens. Unfortunately, I was unable to attain them, instead I was given a rain check on their purchase and was told that I would get to buy them at a later date. How freakin lame is that? Yeah yeah, I know you agree with me, but what was I going to say, "My Blogger friends agree that youre completely lame and you should give them to me NOW," ? That wasnt going to fly. I know, I know. Instead of doing that though, I nodded my head and waited, and waited, and waited some more.....
Finally after much talking and talking, I ordered them in bronze. Im a size US 8 or 8 1/2 , but in the UK im a size 6, which makes me feel very feminine and dainty. Doesnt that ROCK!? Anyway. The fall season is fast approaching, I cant wait to wear this with my gray/white denim, and my 60s-esque swing coat. Pictures to come when they arrive, but for now, bask in the amazing greatness/beauty of these bronze boots, and laugh to yourself how much you want them, cause I know you do.

I know at least, that Stephenie has them, but I think mine are cooler, and I havent even seen them, just dont tell her that. :P
Now I just want to run up and down the rafters screaming "Whats up DOC?" 'cause Im cool like that.


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